We build custom gun holsters.
KT MECH LLC (KYDEXTECH MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) was started in 2013. This was originally an Engineering Study to see if we can build custom made KYDEX holsters faster, more efficient, and at a lower price point; while also being made in the United States. In 2012, the custom holster market had a standard build time of about 4-6 weeks, relatively okay quality, and a pretty high price. Other holster options in 2012 are the run-of-the-mill, mass produced, retail store, inexpensive, and low quality off the shelf imported holsters. The retail store handgun model options were also very limited to Glock or S&W. We saw an opening in the market for a “Goldilocks Zone” price point. In order for us to compete, we had 3 main goals; 1st lower cost of production so that we can offer a great value to our customers, 2nd offer more handgun and weapon light model options, 3rd made in the USA.
Today, we have the fastest build times in the custom gun holster industry. While other companies reduce their production cost by mass producing products, we believed that low volume, single order or, (MTO) made-to-order business model can be viable with high production process efficiency. Thanks to our background in medical device manufacturing, we were able to easily apply our skills and industry knowledge to build a very streamlined production process. Less production time = less production cost = lower prices to the customer.
We offer one of the widest ranges of handgun and weapon light model options in the custom gun holster industry. Since we went with the MTO business model, we are not constrained to specific product configurations. This gives us incredible business agility. We can, and do every day, build the holster to each customer’s specification, and faster than anyone else in the custom gun holster industry.
Our manufacturing facility is in Nampa Idaho USA. We’ve been in business here since 2013 and we’re always innovating and improving our processes.
Thank you for choosing KT!